Dear South Calgary Primary Care Network workers:


When you join CUPE you have:

  • More power to win annual wage increases, benefits, and job security.
  • Fair and transparent job posting and hiring process.
  • The ability to negotiate a collective agreement, which means the employer cannot arbitrarily change your working conditions.
  • A process to address problems at work, and the power of a union to win solutions.

CUPE represents over 200,000 health care workers across the country.   Approximately 190,000 of those members work in dedicated health care locals such as hospitals, long term care, community and public health, home care and at Canadian Blood Services and Hema-Québec.

At South Calgary Primary Care Network, all non-union workers, except for management, can join CUPE. This includes office and IT staff, community support staff, therapists, and medical staff.

There are many advantages to being a member of CUPE, a strong, democratic union. One of the biggest advantages, is never having to face your employer alone.

A union is YOU and your CO-WORKERS coming together to improve your working conditions. Together with your co-workers you will have the ability to decide what aspects of your job need to change for the better.