If this is the kind of change a union campaign can drive, imagine what kind of change having a union will do!

SCPCN Leadership Team sent another email February 12, 2024 related to an ongoing campaign to unionize SCPCN staff.

It is encouraging to read that SCPCN Leadership is actively seeking to address some of the long-standing concerns that have been raised.  It is interesting however, that SCPCN Leadership is addressing these long overdue issues, particularly as the unionizing campaign gains momentum. It is notable that these concerns, which seemed to have been overlooked or ignored previously, are now being addressed. This timing raises questions about SCPCN’s motivations and priorities in dealing with these issues.

If this is the kind of change a union campaign can drive, imagine what kind of change having a union will do!

When SCPCN states that joining a union would be a “…significant change to our operation and SCPCN’s relationship with employees”, it seems to suggests that SCPCN will refuse to deal with the union should that be what the employees choose – that is concerning and could have legal consequences of interference by SCPCN Leadership.

It should be noted that CUPE encourages and supports constructive dialogue and collaboration between management and employees when unionized because it is essential for fostering a positive work environment where everyone’s voices are heard and valued.  If the relationship between SCPCN and staff changes after joining CUPE, it will not be because of CUPE.

The union campaign to Join CUPE continues at SCPCN.  We welcome these emails from SCPCN as they provide an opportunity for our unionization campaign to reach employees who may not be fully aware of the ongoing developments. When SCPCN sends these emails, they are doing us a favour by allowing us to engage with a broader audience and ensures that everyone is informed about the progress of our efforts.

We are prepared to address every email sent by the SCPCN Leadership Team and correct any false or misleading information.  CUPE is also here to address any questions or concerns from SCPCN staff about the union.

You have the right, as employees, to explore and chose to unionize.  SCPCN cannot interfere with that choice.

For more information, go to our campaign website https://scpcn.cupe.ca/


Waging ahead: A plan to raise wages and build bargaining power

Years of zeros and the government’s wage directives have set workers back. A decade of 0%, 1% or 2% has meant going backwards in real dollars, since cost of living increases have been significantly higher.

Most public-sector workers in Alberta have a weaker purchasing power and lower real wages now than they did 10 years ago.

Workers are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet and it is not sustainable. Recent high inflation of 6.4% percent in 2022 and 3.3% percent in 2023 has only made the situation worse.

Join us in taking a stand to raise wages and increase the collective purchasing power of workers.

Do’s and don’ts of leadership

We are aware of the email that went out to SCPCN staff Friday February 9, 2024, and want to acknowledge that SCPCN leadership is aware of recent discussions and efforts regarding unionization.

Choosing to sign a membership card in support of the Union is not wrong, illegal or something you should be ashamed of.  You have the right, as employees, to explore and chose to unionize.  SCPCN cannot interfere with that choice.

It’s important to note that during an organizing campaign, SCPCN must adhere to certain guidelines.  Here is what SCPCN can and cannot do about your union activity:

Leadership can:

  • Tell employees what they think about a union, express their personal point of view, so long as the employer does not use threats, coercion, intimidation, promises or undue influence.
  • Make a pitch for the company or organization and say how good the working conditions are.
  • Increase benefits or start to hold monthly, weekly or daily meetings to solve problems.
  • Resolve problems that have irritated people for years only minutes after an application notice has been received.
  • Continue to pursue their organizational projects and growth plans as a business.

Leadership cannot:

  • Ask whether you or someone you know has signed a membership application card or is thinking of signing a membership application card.
  • Ask about union meetings, union activities or if you were involved in organizing the union.
  • Discipline a union supporter for doing something employees who don’t support the union also do but get away with.
  • Call someone into the office to talk about the union unless that person asks for a meeting.
  • Promise wage increases or other benefits if employees reject the union or say they might lose benefits if they’re for the union.
  • Tell you the organization will close down or be forced to lay people off because workers have chosen to unionize.
  • Suggest management will refuse to deal with a union because the employees have chosen to unionize.
  • Deny you accommodation or modified duties because the employees have chosen to unionize.

If you or your colleagues have experienced any negative behaviour or actions like those listed above from Senior Leadership, HR partners, or Executive Staff please document in as much detail as possible. Then reach out to CUPE National Representative, Brigitte Benoit at bbenoit@cupe.ca or 780.991.4528.